Brooke has been really obsessed with a couple of things lately. So, I wanted to dedicate a post to my third child and all of her quirks that make her the person that she is - the girl that we love.
First, she absolutely LOVES playing the piano. She watches intently as I teach my students, and as soon as I am done she quickly climbs onto the piano bench and awaits her turn. Usually when she does this she has a pencil in hand, and she will make marks on her music - just like I do for my students.
Here is a story to help illustrate this obsession:
The other day I told Aubrey that she needed to practice the piano more so that she could improve. Aubrey, in her most desperate voice, said, "Mom, I try. But Brooke won't let me. Every time I'm at the piano she pushes me and pinches me until I get down. Then she gets up on the bench and won't let me play!"
I didn't really have a response to this because Aubrey was right. I'd watched it happen before - Brooke was vicious until she got what she wanted.
Now that I've told you about something that Brooke loves, I want to tell you about something on the opposite end of the spectrum. Brooke HATES to have a dirty diaper. The minute she makes a mess, she runs over to tell me and then wants to be changed immediately. However, if she is only wet, she will just take care of herself. There have been times that I have come across a diaper lying on the ground, only to see Brooke a few seconds later streaking around the house.
This was really bothersome last week. I was teaching piano and Brooke came walking in. I picked her up and put her on my lap. About 10 seconds later I thought her bottom felt funny so I looked down and she didn't have on her pants or her diaper. To make it worse, I was teaching a 13 year old boy and he was sitting right by me! I hoped that maybe it wouldn't happen again, but alas, it did - the very next day when once again I was teaching piano.
So, in honor of Brooke and her two obsessions, I thought I would post these pictures. I was working on the computer the other day and I turned around and saw this. These pictures are the perfect combination of her two current obsessions.
Definitely worth 1000 words ---
That is too cute. Katie goes through something quite similar when she tries to practice. These little girls can be quite mischievous.
You'll have some good blackmail pics with these piano photos. Brooke will just love them someday!
Ha ha ha!! Who wouldnt want a nudist musical prodigy as a child?
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