Monday, October 27, 2008

This past weekend we really got into the Halloween Spirit. On Friday we had our ward Chili Cook-off and Trunk Or Treat. The kids got all dolled up in their Halloween costumes and then we ate chili! Believe me, it's lots of fun trying to keep three kids from spilling chili down the front of their Halloween costumes.

We took some pictures of the kids, but it was impossible to get all of them looking at once.
Oh look, here's Brooke's tummy!

Are William's eyes closed? -- Why yes, yes they are!

William and his friend, Cason, were both BEN 10. What are the chances - hey, maybe they planned this...

On Saturday night, Elliott and I went to a big Halloween Party, thrown by the ever popular Hopkins. They always have great food, lots of fun, and tons of people at their parties. They should have them more often!
We searched high and low, and finally were able to find some costumes. Nope, we didn't win any awards...those went to Posh and Beckham Callaway and the Lunds & Roses (Guns & Roses).
We had a great time.


Mk said...

You should have won "hotttest couple" Or "costumes most likely to be seen at church the next day"

You really did look adorable:)
...and your kids are perfection- sooo cute

Mary said...

Great costumes!

Tuesdee said...

Looks like tons of fun! I love your costumes!!

camille said...

cute costumes...I always want someone to have fabulous party and invite me. Jonny and I were going to dress up with me in a wedding dress (if I could find one that fit) and him with a letterman's jacket carrying a shot-gun for our "shot-gun wedding" Too bad my belly was gone for Halloween....

Scott Barclay said...

Those are some groovy pants Ell! The kids look great and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun. And whats with Bubba having a friend named Cason?? I thought we made that name up.