Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Halloween

What tastes better than witches brew, mummy hot dogs, spooky chili cheese dip and batty cupcakes? Not much!

Emily has this family tradition when it comes to Halloween. All of the Halloween foods are prepared and labeled with numbers (in our case 1 - 12). Each person then gets individual numbers (again 1 - 12) in an envelope. You draw out three numbers, and those are the three food items you get to put on your plate. Then, a few minutes later everyone goes back for another course - three more items who's numbers you've drawn from your envelope. This goes on until everyone has had a chance to draw all their numbers.

My dilemma came when I drew #10 (the salad) but did not draw #7 (the fork). How do you eat salad without a fork?

William loved it because he drew #4 on his first try - CUPCAKES!

Fun, fun, fun.

After dinner, the kids all took turns getting their pictures taken. Emily put up her white backdrop, and Whitni took all the pictures - they were wonderful, like always!

We tried to get a picture of all three of my kids together, but they just wouldn't cooperate. Aubrey wanted to go trick-or-treating, William was running around playing Ben 10, and Brooke - well, she's just Brooke which should explain it.

Beautiful Cowgirl.

Transforming Ben 10

Silly Clown

After dinner and pictures we went Trick-or-Treating with our neighbors. Kiran and I took her kids, mine, plus the other neighbor kids. Can you say CANDY!

Since it was a holiday, and a Friday, I decided to let the kids stay up a little late and watch "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Ichabod Crane." You know - the old 1949 cartoon that scared the crap out of you as a kid. I was worried that the kids wouldn't be able to sleep that night - but NO - they weren't scared a bit.

In fact Aubrey said, "Mom, this scared you? How old were you?"

I didn't dare tell her I was 13. What is it with these kids?


Mary said...

What fun memories. You are so creative - those cupcakes YuM! The pictures turned out cute too.


Camille, you crack me up. You always put a smile on my face with your hilarious comments on your blog. Thank you!

And what cute costumes. I was looking at your kiddos and was jealous because they were so tan and I wasn't. And then I remembered that we live in Kansas and it stopped being sunny and warm about 3 months ago.

Debbie said...

I LOVE the idea of the dinner with #s. That would be fun for a family reunion meal too.

The photos are great of your kids. That's super funny about the movie too. Our kids have grown up in a totally different world, haven't they?