Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Talented Wife

Every once in a while my wife gets this wild hair and wants to sew.

She has multiple Halloween costumes to her credit that pretty much cover ages 1-7 - until a few years ago when I put the skids on that one. The last time she went on this sewing binge she didn't talk to me for like 2 months (too busy with her higher priority of sewing).

This year she told me she wanted to make the girls some matching Christmas dresses - something about how it's hard to match an 8 with a 2T.

I tell her that I'm worried about her and all those late nights - this newest batch kept her up til 4:00 am yesterday...

But the reality is that I just don't like the neglect ;-(

In any event she does a marvelous job and tailored dresses are hard to come by nowadays.  Our kids are just lucky to have a mom like her.  


Tuesdee said...

HOLY COW CAMILLE! Those dresses are fabulous!!!! You are so talented!

Mk said...

Soooo beautiful! your talent astounds me! Nice work!

Scott Barclay said...

Wow Cami, you are so talented. Those dresses are awesome. You are so good.

Debbie said...

Beautiful work. You are quite the seamstress.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I asked Aubrey about her Christmas dress on Sunday in Primary and she proudly said with a big ol' smile, "my Mom made it." Such talent.