Sunday, December 28, 2008

William Loses A Tooth?

The other day William was having a cup of hot chocolate with the works - marshmallows, whipped cream, and a candy cane to stir it all in.

As he was finishing his cup, he suddenly yelled, "Mom! I think I just lost my first tooth!"

I ran over to William and he handed me his tooth. Elliott had been sitting on the couch, and he jumped up and ran over. I began inspecting William's mouth to find the gaping hole, but there was none. By this time Elliott was there and he too began to look. Suddenly we both looked at the "Tooth" in my hand and began to laugh.

I was holding a small chunk of candy cane!
I guess William has to wait a little longer to lose his first tooth.


Scott Barclay said...

ha ha ha thats a good one

Bench Family said...

I love it!

Your Christmas dresses turned out amazing. Can I custom order for next year?

Mary said...

That looks like a real tooth! Great idea to try and fool the tooth fairy. hee hee.

Debbie said...

That's amazingly close to a tooth. What a little jokester!

Markell said...

That is so funny. How was the baptism? John and I are so sorry we didn't make it. :(