Saturday, January 17, 2009

Aubrey's Baptism

Aubrey was baptized on January 3, 2009. It was a great day. We had a few hang-ups - the font didn't want to fill up - but everything turned out just fine.

Grandpa David and Grandpa Barclay both spoke and both Grandmas helped with the music. Aubrey was also surrounded by all of her great Texas friends - and Uncle Starr came!

I am so proud of her and the amazing girl that she is. I love you, Aubrey!

1 comment:

Annilee said...

I cannot believe that she is that old, I am so proud that she made that decision. I really miss her spunk, I hope she will always choose the right. We sure miss your family, we are coming up in a few weeks and we hope to see you! I have been watching Coutndown to the Crown just to see Kayla...I am super impressed that she hasn't compromised on the clothing. She totally rocked the lime green one piece. You should be a proud bug sister. How did she say it was...those girls seem so fake? Anyway, take care!