Friday, March 5, 2010

January and February 2010

In January we went to the Heard Museum to see the Dinosaur exhibit.

I would like to say that my daughters are kind and loving all of the time....

but usually this is what you see.....

We went with the Lunds, and the kids had a great time. Leah really enjoyed being bundled up in her carseat while being pushed in the stroller. Exercise time for mom.

On February 11 we had a huge snowstorm. We got 12" of snow and school was cancelled. Yay!

The kids went through all the gloves, hats, and pants in the house. When one pair would get wet, we'd trade them out for a new pair and then throw the wet ones in the dryer.

Elliott showed Aubrey how to build a snow fort out of bread tins....pretty awesome!

We also had snowball fights with the neighbor kids - Mom won.

William's birthday was on February 13.
He told me that he wanted a chocolate cake this year - not Lightning McQueen, not a Mystery Machine, not a Firetruck - a chocolate cake.
He was being nice to his mother.

We had the Lunds and the Patels (our neighbors) over for dinner and cake. Kiran made some spicy Indian chicken. Very good, very spicy. It was fun to celebrate with friends.

On Valentine's Day I tried to coordinate the kids for church. Then, I tried to take a picture.....unfortunately, this was the best one I got.
The battery on my camera was dead, so I had to use the old camera....the one with the double flash before it takes the picture. Hence the drunken look on Aubrey's face.
But Leah's cute yawn almost makes up for it.

After the kids went to bed, Elliott and I had a Valentine's dinner.
Steak, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, and molten chocolate cakes....yum!

And here is a typical Family Home Evening at our house. Mom - trying to give the lesson that she has been thinking about and preparing for an entire 15 minutes. Aubrey - lounging on the couch and practicing her whining skills, "...but Mom..." Brooke - sneaking away to find the camera and document it all. Thanks sweetie!


camille said...

boy did you get off easy on the cake this year. I was really looking forward to seeing your latest creation. Oh, and I won't tell Aubrey you didn't post anything about her birthday ;) Love you guys!


i love seeing your new posts! leah is so beautiful. we miss your gorgeous family but it looks like all is going well.

Tuesdee said...

So fun to see you posting! I love the pictures!! My girls LOVE seeing what their cousins are up too.

Your family home evening is AWESOME! Ours are always so bad! I usually end up saying "Just watch a living scripture and I'll get the popcorn..." :)

Hope to see you guys soon!

Markell said...

Welcome back to the blog world! Your kids are so darn cute!

Keeping up with the Joneses? said...

I love your blog and photos . . . but my FAVORITE part are the kids' quotes on the right. Hilarious!

Keeping up with the Joneses? said...

I love your blog and photos . . . but my FAVORITE part are the kids' quotes on the right. Hilarious!